Last month Systembolaget (the monopoly distributor on the swedish market) released an overview plan for upcoming tenders. Along with this, Systembolaget also published a report that describes the market and their needs. This launch plan also explains Systembolaget’s choices. Therefore you will find below some key notes from this report. For the upcoming tenders in particular, you will be able to read more on our website via links in this blog post.
According to the Systembolaget Release plan for 2019, you will find below the summary of the 2017 spirit sales evolution and current tenders.
On the total sales of Systembolaget, spirits represent only 3.9 percent of the total sales volume. However, they represent a big part of the value with 19.8 percent. In 2017, sales were 19 million liters, with a value of 7.2 billion SEK. In the third year in a row that alcohol sales increase slightly. The main reason to explain this evolution is that volumes are now moving to border trade rather than Sweden.
Nevertheless, spirits still represent a value-worthy segment on the alcohol trade for Systembolaget. In particular with rum, gin and shots wich can be considered as the three biggest trends on the market today. Other spirit categories are facing important sales growth :
• Whiskey : with 7.3 million liters and 39 percent of total alcohol sales, whiskey is the largest spirit category. In particular, Irish and American whiskey participate to the growth of sales with respectively 2.3 percent and 7.5 percent.
• Avec (digestive alcohol) : this category weighs for 7.1 percent of the volume and 9.1 percent of the value. This category increase in 2017 is 4.3 percent in volume and 6.9 percen in value.
• Drinks and cocktails : those beverages stand for the second largest category with 7.1 million liters for 2.3 billion SEK. Leaders of this category are gin, dark rums, and ready-made drinks. Moreover, dark rums tend to count as a big part of the total spirit sales, around 14 percent.
• Liquors : the value of the liquor sales increased by 4.8 percent to 787 million liters. The raise is due for the major part to liqueurs that are consumed as shots.
• Organic spirits : even if they represent a small amount of the total sales (only 4.2 percent), the 2017 growth reaches 20 percent, wich is higher than for both wine and beer.
>> To see current Monopoly tenders for spirit click here
On this page you will find Monopoly tenders announced by Systembolaget, ALKO and Vinmonopolet for producers of spirits and liquors.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via mail ([email protected]), or phone (+46 8-410 244 34).
We are happy to assist you with answers !
/Agathe Prunier